Thursday, August 18, 2011

church in sta,barbara pangasinan

It was originally known as a barrio of Tolong. Tolong was so named after the river now called Sinukulan where a great number of people dwell. It was a virgin forest till the
folks from Calasiao began clearing it and more people were coming from the south, now know as San Carlos (Binalatongan). On December 17, 1740, Fr. Manuel del Rio, PriorProvincial of the Dominicans in the Philippines, petitioned the establishment of the town of Tolong and erection of the Church there. On October 30, 1741, the Govierno General de Administracion Civil granted the petition and
the town of Tolong was established under the patronage of Sta. Barbara (also known as Sta. Barbara de Tolong). Being far to the next town northwest of Calasiao, a chapel of simple design and of wood was initially erected to facilitate the spiritual care of the people. The foundation of the chapel was made of cement. Apart from the chapel was a place where the dead are interred and for these purposes, the parish priest of Calasiao has to travel to this town. In January 1742, the first parish registers of Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths appeared. Fr. Manuel Arango, Ministro Presidente, signed the said registers for two years.
When a new town was created, the Government required the construction of three edifices: a Church, a Priest's House and a Schoolhouse. It can be presupposed that Fr. Manuel Arango and his successors either improved the already existing chapel of the former barrio of Tolong or constructed a new one. A new priest's residence and a schoolhouse would have been built from their foundations.
Whiile the founding was approved as early as October 30, 1741 , it was the provincial chapter of 1743 that Sta. Barbara (de Tolong) was accepted as a Dominican mission thereby placed under the care of the Vicar (the Dominican term for a parish priest) of Calasiao, Fr. Enrique Martin. Fr. Benito Pereiras was assigned as the first Vicar of Sta. Barbara in 1745. As the years passed, s small wooden church was built facing the east. In 1762, the rebellions started under the leadership of Juan dela Cruz Palaris. The people of Sta. Barbara went into hiding, leaving the wooden Church defenseless. Hence, the small church (chapel) was set on fire in 1763.
Fr. Juan Laurido, the chief overseer of the cinstruction, continued the work gradually especially the church roof. Fr. Laurido served the people of Sta. Barbara for 18 years even he administered the town of Calasiao. It was only sixteen years later (1792) that the retablo was installed that perhaps signaled the completion of works.
In October 1776, the roof of the Church was ripped off by a typhoon that caused much damaged to the Church structure. Fr. Domingo de Boada laid the foundation of the town's second church. In 1779, Rev. Fr. Hidalgo began the construction of another Church and began the cementing the half of the church. In 1800 to 1814, Fr. Baltazar Calderon was the Vicar of the town, the first parish pariest to take up residence in the town for a considerable length of time. In 1808, he completed the construction of the three-foot thick walls of the church measuring 76.5 meters long by 18 meters wide. It had a beautiful facade and two small towers. He also completed the priest house in 1804. Fr. Baltazar Calderon served the people with great affection for what he did for their material and spiritual welfare, died in 1815 and laid to rest in the Church he built.
Simultaneously with the work of the covent's ground floor with the huge stone slabs, Church, Fr. Antonio Suarez started the work on the church facade which Fr. Calderon completed in 1825. The facade of the Church faced northeast. That of the priest's house, which stood behind the church, faced the west. The earlier church (Laurido) was built west of this Church and its facade was located where the presbytery of the new Church.
The church caught fire the second time in 1822 when Fr. Matias Cabezon was the parish priest. The damager of the Church was minimal but it unfirtunately destroyed the convent. Through their concerted pastoral efforts, Fr. Matias Cabezon and Fr. Antonio Sanchez started the repair of the church which was completed in 1825 but only to be guttered by fire for the third time in December 30, 1873 when Fr. Miguel Limarquez was the Vicar (parish priest)
In November 25, 1875 , the construction of the new Church started under the supervision of the builder of the present church and the priest's house, Fr. Casimiro Lafuente. The contractor was D. Gregorio Reyes. The wall on the south was extended. The contract for the labor was 1306 pesos. The walls of the main nave of the old church were partly reused. The presbytery and the sacristy walls were completely demolished to give way to an extension of 8.3 meters to the south.
Februray of 1878, the digging of the foundations of the new priest's house started. In 1877, the old wall of the church was demolished having been weakened by fire and earthquakes so that it was impossible to retain the structures. The floor, the side windows, side altars and the main altar had become too small for the growing town. Some parts had to be enlarged ten times more. It took 10 years for Rev. Fr. Casimiro Lafuente to rebuild the church and the convent. Rev. Fr. Casimiro Lafuente also had the opportunity to be part of the re-organization and planning of the plaza and the town which was destroyed by fire on December 8, 1880 . This was because fire, earthquakes and floods in Sta. Barbara have constantly challenged the townspeople. Buildings and houses in the town faced different directions. Many gambled and did not have any vision or ambition. Many bystanders are easily satisfied with little and eventually townspeople became vulnerable to loans. Many people of Sta. Barbara lost their mortgage property to those from other towns.
In 1880, the work on the roofing of the Church, the sacristy and the belltowers was replaced with iron sheets. The contractor and the workers on this project were from Lingayen. In 1881, there was a big earthquake that cracked the wall of the Church.
It was on April 27, 1881 at 7:00am that Fr. Casimiro Lafuente held the first mass in the new church assisted by councilors and many towns people. He said: "What joy and satisfaction I received on this day as I offered to God and Sta. Barbara their new temple, a new church, where they can be venerated with great dignity. How well employed were all the work, deprivations and displeasures I suffered up to the completion of the said edifice. To Sta. Barbara, our patron, I dedicate and offer it with my whole heart, and for the greater honor and glory! Amen".
On February 15, 1882 , a huge bell was hoisted to the five-meter tower with the aid of wooden and bamboo scaffolds. The bell tower was donated by Don Agustin Bautista, former Alcalde, costing 450 pesos. Indeed, the chime of the church bell could be heard at a distance of five kilometers. Much later, the church bell crashed down because of its weak lever. Being completed in April 12, 1886 , the new convent was blessed by Rev. Fr. Casimiro Lafuente. It was through divine protection that the church survived the horrible earthquake in 1892. In this earthquake, many churches and convents wre destroyed and collapsed. The duration of the tremor was about 60 seconds or more intermittently for 24 hours, occurring almost every hour, continually up to Sunday. The southern portion of the wall of the Church in this town cracked and the wall opposite to the altar of the Blessed Virgin Mary collapsed.
During the liberation period, the intense bombing in the town of Sta. Barbara by the American forces wounded a priest, Rev. Fr. Emilio Cinense and killed several town's people. Three bombs were dropped on the church itself but miraculously missed their mark. Instead, one fell at the present site of the bell tower and the other two fell in front of the Church. After the post liberation period, the parish administratorship was passed on to the priests of the Claretian order. In memory of St. Anthony, the founder, the townspeople installed a painting of his image behind the former altar of St. Joseph . The same image still preserved until now at a side altar in the Church.
In 1955 to 1961, Rev. Fr. Antonio Palma together with Rev. Domingo Frias, Rev. Fr. Liberato Fernandez, Rev. Fr. Jose Valerio and Rev. Fr. Alphonse Mildner, SVD and later with Rev. Fr. Rufino Lopez reconstructed the parish spiritually and structurally. In 1958, Rev. Fr. Antonio Palma with Rev. Fr. Jaime Neri, Rev. Fr. Carlos Frias and Rev. Miguel Busque modified the church altar in preparation for the Christ the King celebration. The Christ the King celebration was truly participated in by numerous people with much religious fervor. All the organizations in the parish were mobilized to assure a great and memorable event.
In 1961 of December to 1963 of June, Rev. Fr. Bernardo Imuan became parish priest. He worked with Rev. Fr. Emeterio Domgas and Rev. Fr. Rufino Lopez with the pastoral and sacramental needs of the people Sta. Barbara.
In 1963 to 1970, Rev. Fr. Ciriaco Billote received the parochial care of Sta. Barbara together with Rev. Fr. Bienvenido Salosagcol, Rev. Fr. Eugenio de Vera and Rev. Fr. Angel Aquino. It was in 1972 during the Papal visit of Pope Paul VI to the Philippines that the Parish was accorded with the title Parish of the Holy Family due to the legendary biography of St. Barbara.
In 1970 to 1975, Rev. Fr. Prudencio Zabala became the parish priest He received the same pastoral enthusiasm from his fellow priest, Rev. Fr. Mauro Muñoz, Rev. Fr. Javier Montemayor and Rev. Fr. Immanuel Escano. Under the pastoral leadership of Rev. Fr. Zabala, the belfry was erected beside the parish Church .
In 1970 to 1975, the repair of the church continued with the help of Rev. Fr. Immanuel Escano. It was during the term of Rev. Fr. Luis Ungson that the flooring of the Church was elevated and widened and reconstructed the sanctuary by removing the communion rail. Knowing the widespread propagation of the Charismatic Movement, Rev. Fr. Ungson, being spiritual formator, introduced the Cursillo Movement wherein a great number of the people of Sta. Barbara joined with him in this spiritual renewal and nourishment.
In 1977 to 1981, Rev. Fr. Eusebio Vigilia received the parochial care as the parish priest. Rev. Fr. Immanuel Escano unhesitatingly continued his ministry to the people. This period was marked by the Papal visit of Pope John Paul II to the Philippines in 1980.
In 1981 to 1987, Rev. Fr. Carmelo Carreon became the parish priest. He was assisted by Rev. Fr. Enrique Macaraeg and Rev. Fr. Elmo Fernandez in the pastoral ministry. Rev. Fr. Carreon reconstructed the main altar of Church by installing a large cross at the wall of the sanctuary. He also made the Church more beautiful by repairing the ceiling of the Church.
In 1988 to 1991, Rev. Fr. Alfredo Mariñas became the parish priest. Rev. Fr. Primo Aquino was the parochial vicar. In his simplicity, Rev. Fr. Mariñas also introduced a spiritual renewal to his parishioners called the Bayanihan. People of Sta. Barbara were also enthusiastic about this spiritual and social development.
Thirty seven years later in 1995, the feast of Christ the King once again blessed the townspeople of Sta. Barbara. Among the 20 barangays with about 80% Catholic population from some 65,000 towns people, had its full involvement Evangelization long preceded the renovation. Rev. Fr. Immanuel Escano, who was then the parish priest since 1991, established small Christian communities and attempted to renovate the spiritual life of the parish community according to the Neo-catechumenal Way which was made the dominant spirituality during his term which started in 1991. Since 1991 up to 2003, Rev. Fr. Immnuel Escano put all his energies together through the years with Rev. Fr. Primo Aquino, Rev. Fr. Leo Macaraeg, Rev. Fr. Jonathan Songcuan, Rev. Fr. Manuel Sayson, Rev. Fr. Rodolfo Somintac Jr., Rev. Fr. Theodore de Leon, Rev. Fr. Carlito Yden, Rev. Fr. Rolando Salosagcol and Rev. Fr. Douglas Nicolas in adult catecheses and adult conversions through rigid training and evangelization as demanded by the Neo-Catechumenal Way which was introduced to the townspeople in 1989 and re-introduced in 1991 up to the present, children's catechism, First Communion programs, David Youth Community Workshop and Seminars, medical and dental services, livelihood seminars and Barangay liturgies. Masses were then almost always sentimental with emphasis on humility, faith and holiness.
In July 16, 2003 , Rev. Fr. Fidelis Layog started his ministry as the parish priest. He commenced his ministry by planning the Archdiocesan Christ the King celebration for Vicariate I, Queen of the Apostles. It was a very simple and yet solemn celebration participated in by Parish of St. Gabriel the Archangel (Bonuan, Boquig), Parish of the Annunciation of the Lord (Bonuan, Gueset), Parish of Sr. Divino Tesoro (Buenlag, Calasiao), Parish of Sts. Peter and Paul (Calasiao), Parish of St. John the Evangelist ( Dagupan City ), Parish of St. Therese ( Dagupan City ) . Rev. Fr. Layog and Fr. Ariston are undoubtedly convinced that there was an urgent need to give much attention to the renovation and reconstruction of the parish church and convent and thus launched a campaign called Guardians of the Family Campaign for the renovation and reconstruction of the parish church and the convent. The campaign has two goals to achieve, namely, (1) to inculcate into the consciousness of the parishioners their important and vital part in the renovation of their parish Church and the Rectory and (2) to imbibe in them the necessity of the role of each parishioners in the formation and growth of their respective families thereby making them not only members of their own families but also promoter, protector and guardians of their families. The parishioners were able to make a new Parish Office and a Parish Hall called the Holy Family Hall and the ground floor of the Parish Rectory. They were able to beautify the surroundings outside the Church and the convent by making a Grotto of the Our Lady of Manaoag and the Garden of the Cross (Stations of the Cross), Villa Familia, Rosary Garden, Chapel of Devotion, Choir Loft and by painting of the Church interior, parish oratory (Adoration Chapel), Memorial Hall. They, as a community of believers, were able to change the old pews with antique designed pews, built a new baptistry and a new sacristy. Two altars were also constructed in the Church, one for the Blessed Sacrament and one for the Statues of the Saints. Aside from the structural reconstruction, Rev. Fr. Fidelis Layog and Rev. Fr. Arnelle Ariston reorganized the parishioners and re-established the different religious organizations of the parish and in the barangays. Indeed, the building of the families in Sta. Barbara continues and the building of Church progresses up to the present. December 29, 2004 , Fr. Jim Cerezo took the post as Assistant to the Parish Priest. On May 1, 2006, the Parishioners welcome with pride and jubilation Rev. Fr. Anthony Layog as he joins his brother Fr. Fidelis in the parish ministry and in the formation of the parishioners.
Found in the ARCHIVO DE PP. DOMINICOS, Provencia del Rosario, Filipinas, Tomo 7, Documento 33 is the Santa Barbara Chronicles from its founding in 1742 up to the Philippine Revolution in 1898.

church in pangasinan

Our Lady of Manaoag

The original image of the Our Lady of Manaoag was brought by the Augustinian friars who were in charge of the spiritual administration of the Manaoag town from the year 1590 to 1613 in accordance to the sanctified decree of Spain. In 1614, the spiritual leadership was transferred to the Dominicans, under the patronage of Saint Monica.
In the early 17th century, the ivory image was brought to the Philippines by Padre Juan de San Jacinto from Spain via Acapulco.
According to documented accounts dating back to 1610, a native man who was walking home heard a Lady's mysterious voice. He looked around and with great awe he saw the radiant Lady with a Rosary on her right hand and a Child on her left as she stood on a cloud veiling a treetop. The man fell on his knees. He told the people of the apparition. And soon right on the spot where the Lady appeared a chapel was built. A town quickly flourished around it and was called "Manaoag".
Tradition has it that the town itself was born from the Virgin Mary’s call, thus the term, "taoag" meaning "to call" was used to name the town. This is where the name Manaoag was derived from, which means "She Calls".
During World War II, the Church suffered moderate damage. 4 bombs were released on top of the church. 3 bombs landed on the plaza and the facade, destroying them both. One bomb landed in the sanctuary, but failed to explode. The church was rebuilt, and today, it is an active parish serving Manaoag and the surrounding area.


Our Lady of Manaoag has a long history of renowned miraculous and pious events. Some of the earliest are replicated in the murals within the church to depict the original miracle that saved the town from a wildfire, the origin of the basilica and the parish, and to portray and document those miraculous events for the appreciation of the beholder, especially the pilgrims. Devotees, from all over the globe, have varied persuasions for visiting the shrine or imploring the vital and distinctively extraordinary intercession of Our Lady of Manaoag among which are pleas pertaining to good health, cure for diseases or afflictions, good voyage, posterity, the family, career, business, academic or professional examinations, surmounting challenges or trials, or any personal petition or thanksgiving.
The original icon of Our Lady of Manaoag is considered priceless with its bejeweled crown. There have been several attempts to burglarize the Manaoag Shrine. Several golden crowns and halos are reposited at the Manaoag Shrine, which were donated by both Filipinos and foreigners. A large array of lavishly elegant perfumes is showcased at the Manaoag Shrine Museum. These were donated by devotees and pilgrims from across the globe as tokens of gratitude or presents to Our Lady of Manaoag.
The magnanimously miraculous Our Lady of Manaoag has brought distinctive honor and fame to the eponymous town in particular and to the province of Pangasinan in general.
One of the miraculous accounts regarding Our Lady of Manaoag dates back to the times when early pagans from the mountain tribes burn down newly converted Christian villages. The town of Manaoag was not spared from this. It was set on fire. The church with its thatched roof was the last refuge of the people. The leader of the pillagers climbed over its fence and shot flaming arrows to all parts of the church, but all in vain. It was not set afire.
Another miraculous event was nationally reported during World War II. The Japanese army dropped several bombs on the roof of the Manaoag Shrine but inflicted no damage to the roof and the shrine of the Blessed Virgin Mary.